Aadu Ott – som är född i Tallinn (Estland) år 1940, har avlagt fil.kand., fil.mag. och fil.lic. examina samt ämneslärarexamen vid Göteborgs universitet. Han tjänstgjorde som forskare i fysik vid Göteborgs universitet mellan åren 1963 –70, med avbrott för ett års forskning vid University of Arizona i USA. Han disputerade för filosofie doktorsgrad i fysik vid Göteborgs universitet år 1970 med avhandlingen Mobility Studies of Impurities, Thermal Defects and Matrix Atoms In Lithium Metal. Han blev antagen som docent i fysik vid Göteborgs universitet i mars 1971. Han tjänstgjorde som lektor i fysik vid olika gymnasieskolor mellan åren 1971-91, varefter han tillträdde en tjänst vid institutionen för ämnesdidaktik vid Göteborgs universitet, först som universitetsadjunkt, från 1992 som universitetslektor i didaktik med inriktning mot naturorienterande ämnen, särskilt fysik. Han utnämndes att från och med 2001-04-01 vara professor i didaktik vid Göteborgs universitet, med inriktning mot naturorienterande ämnen, fysik för grundskolans behov. Han var med och grundade ”Kollegiet för Neurodidaktik” vid Göteborgs universitet år 2007. Han blev emeritus år 2007.

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AADU OTT was born  in Tallinn, Estonia in 1940. He has spent his academic carrier in Sweden, He received his teacher diploma in 1970, and made his doctoral dissertation, at the University of Göteborg, in physics studying atomic mobility in metals in 1971. The title of the dissertation was Mobility Studies of Inpurities, Thermal Defects and Matrix Atoms In Lithium Metal. He has worked as assistant professor for one year at the University of Arizona in USA were he did research in highpressure physics. He has been working for 20 years as teacher at different levels in the Swedish School System. He was promoted professor at the University of Göteborg in Science Education in 2001. He has written about 40 publications and about 40 conference reports on subjects as “Solar Energy Research”; “Science and Technology in Education”; “History and Philosophy of Science in Science Education”, “Informal Education with Science Centers”; Ott has published in journals as: Physical Review, Journal of Applied Physics, Physics Education, Planetarian, Pedagogisk Forskning, Nordisk Pedagogik and Science. He was one of the founders of IASEE, International Association for Solar Energy Education and has had a close cooperation with ETEN, European Teacher Education Network. He has received the “Oscar von Miller Honorary Medal” for his cooperation with Deutsches Museum in Munich. He is at the Editorial Board for “Baltic Journal for Science Education”. His current field of interest is to study experimental and theoretical aspects on Neurophysiology of Learning, utilizing functional magnetic resonance tomograpic imaging (fMRI). He became emeritus in 2007.