Nils G. Holm, Professor of Science of Religion at Strömstad Academy

Åbo Akademi University, Religionsvetenskap, FIN-20500 ÅBO

Tel. +358405788606;
Fax. +358-2-2154902;

Private: Sirkkalag. 26 A 17, FIN-20700 ÅBO. Tel. +358-2-2321638




1970 Master of Theology from Åbo Akademi University

1970 Master of Arts from Åbo Akademi University

1973 Licentiate degree at the Faculty of Arts, Åbo Akademi University

1976 Doctor of Theology from Uppsala University, Sweden, with Prof. Hj. Sundén in Psychology of Religion


Professional Experience and Awards

01.07.1981 – 31.07.2008 Full professor of Comparative Religion (including Psychology and Sociology of Religion) at Åbo Akademi University

1994 Member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters

1984-95 and 2001 - Vice President for the Internationale Gesellschaft für Religionspsychologie        .

1995-2001 President for the Internationale Gesellschaft für Religionspsychologie     

1995-  2001 Editor for Archiv für Religionspsychologie.

2002 William Bier-Award, American Psychological Association, Section 36.

          2004-06 Editor of the Nordic journal in comparative religion Temenos (together with

          Prof. Veikko Anttonen)


Experiences as supervisor and project leader include

Supervisor for 18 completed doctoral theses and several master theses. About 15 doctoral students today.

Leader of several projects during my professional years e.g. world views and society, parental influences on religiosity, new religious movements and biodiversity project financed by Academy of Finland (humanistic perspectives).



1976 Tungotal and andedop. (Tongue speaking and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit), Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Psychologia Religionum 5. Uppsala.

1978 Pingströrelsen. (Pentecostalism) Meddelanden från Stiftelsens för Åbo Akademi forskningsinstitut 31. Åbo.

1979 Finlandssvensk skolungdom om religion och samlevnad. (Opinions about religion and co-existence among Swedish speaking youth in Finland) Meddelanden från Stiftelsens för Åbo Akademi forskningsinstitut 49. Åbo.

1990 Einführung in die Religionspsychologie. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag München Basel.

1996 World Views in Modern Society. Empirical Studies in the Relationship between World View, Culture, Personality, and Upbringing.(Ed. in collaboration with Kaj Björkqvist.) Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter nr 29, Åbo.

1997 Människans symboliska verklighetsbygge. En psykofenomenologisk studie. Religionsvetenskapliga skrifter nr 40, 1997, Åbo.

             Several other books and articles.